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Our Services

Leadership Visibility

My services include creating safe communication spaces for senior leaders to speak with junior employees about important issues. I partner with C-suite executives to understand their priorities and the priorities of their organisations and create channels for them to increase their visibility as leaders.

  • Leadership Forum

  • Leadership Virtual Rooms

  • Floor-to-ceiling initiatives

  • Writing proposals

  • Developing strategy

  • Creating environments

  • Delivering guidance

  • Neuroinclusive

Collaborate to Communicate

I develop neurodivergence-informed cross-business unit/sector communication initiatives that support the communication that spans the length and breadth of organisations.  This supports cross-sell initiatives and helps business units to understand how they can maximise profits through sharing ideas and innovating collaboratively.

  1. Scope out a business-led communication platform.

  2. Co-create solutions based on business unit priorities and goals.

  3. Identify and roll out the chosen communication approach.

Communities of Practice

I develop spaces for organisational communities – by expertise, business, geography or industry, to share ideas, collaborate and develop business-changing innovations. This, all whilst supporting the professional growth and development of employees, including those who are autistic, have ADHD, or have other neurodivergences.

  1. Harness collective organisational knowledge.

  2. Define, create, and implement virtual spaces where professionals can meet, share ideas, and innovate.

  3. Support the definition of organisational communities and co-implement alongside identified communities.

Engagement Express podcast

I created 'Engagement Express' for HR, Internal Communication and Engagement professionals to get hints and tips on how to increase engagement in their organisations.


Contact Us

For more information or to schedule a consultation, reach out to us at our email address or phone number below. Let's work together to build a more inclusive and thriving workplace.

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